
What is the Transhuman House? 

The Transhuman House is a place where transhumanists can run projects and find supporting resources.  It is a transhumanist cultural area, a research facility, an overnight place of rest, a museum, an office for transhumanist organizations, a case study in advanced technology and an experience in post-human technology.  The Transhuman House exists to move the needle forward, advancing civilization from a technological and philosophical standpoint.

What is transhumanism?

If you’re here, it’s because you are likely new to transhumanism, or curious about the subject,  wondering why we [transhumanists] care so deeply about it?  For transhumanists such as myself, it’s about helping others and becoming more than what we are now and working towards transcending our biology.

Let’s start with defining transhumanism.  In simplest terms, it is the idea that humankind can use science and technology to become more than what we are and help those interested in doing the same; while protecting the freedom for all to decide for themselves how to be happy.  In other words, “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.

Transhumanism is not comprised of any specific demographic.  Some transhumanists are political, some are not; some are religious and others are not.  In transhumanism, people of all ethnicities, political persuasions and systems of belief come together as “humans” to help others and raise them as high as they desire, through the use of technology and science.  We believe in better education, higher standards in living and longer lives and in our moral and ethical responsibility to the same.