An Altruistic Business, an institute, a museum of the future as we design it and a new home for the transhuman house… all of this is the part of the following ‘business’ plan.
One of our most exciting projects is for the Foundation Retreat (different than the Foundations Retreat they had recently at the Transhuman House) which would include a new version of the transhuman house. We did a VC Style pitch deck to explain the idea to the Foundation membership and to some people working on similar projects but wanted to share this idea with others. When we have enough funding we plan on creating this or executing on this one way or the other.
If you’re really interested in this project ping us at
Our Vision: Guarding the Future for Humanity
The purpose of the Foundation Retreat is to educate, sustain and help progress humanity through providing a place for learning about and acquiring sustainable technology and protecting our future.
Like the Transhuman House, it’s a museum of the future and a tool to education and a retail outlet to make that future technology available to others. It aligns with the saying that the future is here just not evenly distributed.
Our ‘Green’ Strategy
Current Trends and Positioning
The Retreat Strategy is to use the key elements of our vision that already align with key consumer trends to drive that vision as well as retail success for the Retreat ensuring long terms survival as a business.
Retail Availability
Making Sustainable Technology available to the consumer as a separate but related organization creating a sustainable fund for the retreat, protecting the retreat from collapse caused by the business and setting all of it up for success through the retail business
A non-profit educational institute focused on bring industry and universities together along with the Foundation library sponsoring projects, education and educational activities.
Long Term
A non-profit educational institute focused on bring industry and universities together along with the Foundation library sponsoring projects, education and educational activities.
Trends and Growth in Green Industries
To be clear this is a business plan and focused on taking advantage of current trends to do go AND produce money and be profitable but in a way that can move the vision of going green, helping humanity and making these technologies available to others.
Retail Success is a Retail ‘Experience’
Aesthetic Experience
The most success in brick and mortar is the experience you can’t get on the computer.
Experts in Retail
The Sustainability Store it is about experts in the field that work there because of the love it and honestly want to help w/o commission.
From consumer education to partnership installations the ‘Sustainability Store’ is there to help.
Retail Products:
Smart Home Tech, Aquaponics, Permaculture, Solar, Sustainable Tech, Alternative Power, Education, Aesthetic and Function, Home Robotics, Energy Savings, Recycling, and Green Technology
Revenue from Retail
Building a retail presence in green and sustainable technology
- 20% growth in sales in retail
- 24 months profitability/ROI
- Platform for store role out
- Franchise Driven Growth
Financial Model
24 Month return on 20% growth in retail in a single location.
Altruism Driving Profit
The Retreat Provides a platform for the retail business, a showcase of altruism and a look at the future.
- Viral Marketing
- Altruistic Business Model
- Capitalizing Trends
- Industry Thought leadership
- Demonstrating Good Intent
The Ask – [TBD]
Creates Trends – The Foundation Retreat is about sustainability and preservation built on trends already in the market but the 2.5 million in the long run funds the building and construction of the sustainability store helps position
Key Value Proposition
- Create 2 organizations, the retreat as an NPO and the retail store as a corporation.
- 40% equity note in retail business (5% employee reserve)
- Management advisory role
- Financial oversight
- Dedicated team
- Board seat on NPO
Thank you and Summary
The fall of Empire, gentlemen, is a massive thing, however, and not easily fought. It is dictated by a rising bureaucracy, a receding initiative, a freezing of caste, a damming of curiosity—a hundred other factors. It has been going on, as I have said, for centuries, and it is too majestic and massive a movement to stop. ~ Isaac Asimov, Foundation
Contact us for more information
Retail Product Portfolio Example – Smart Home
Smart home products are one of the most popular trends in home improvement and in building and design our future. Many elements of this are about making your life easier as we progress and making the better products available to touch and experience is part of how we expect to make the location a real-life experience.
Retail Product Portfolio Example – Alternate Energy
Our only path forward as a species is in sustainable technologies in particular our ever increasing need for power. Making Alternate or sustainable energy available to others is one of the key product areas of the plan.
Retail Product Portfolio Example – Food
focused on sustainable technologies even with food production is important now, on earth and as we grow out into space.