The Transhumanist Art Collection at the Transhuman House

One of the great things we have been able to at the Transhuman House is the building of a Transhuman Art Collection.  While some are prints a lot of it is original works of art.  A lot of the work is also digital and I wanted to showcase some of my favorite bits of art and the artists.  If you’d like your art showcased at the Transhuman House or contribute in any way reach out to us.  Let’s start with one of my favorite artists Mr. Flox. Continue reading “The Transhumanist Art Collection at the Transhuman House”

Art and Science

The art collection has been growing with new digital art, paintings and prints and a large framed poster of cognitive biases of the human brain.  Another local artist actually did a digital painting just for the transhuman house that is only digital, plus art for the Architect room and PostHuman Suite.  A new digital frame was moved to the PostHuman Suite and we are working on an elevator archive system using IoT winches to hide away in the ceiling.  Continue reading “Art and Science”