While we can’t take responsibility for it, someone has installed a digital dead drop in the front yard of the Transhuman House. You might say our apple tree supports USB 2.0; but use at your own risk as you ever know what might be on it. The Dead Drop peer to peer network is a network of real life dead drop file locations around the world.
The Transhuman House Geocache
The Transhuman House has its own GeoCache for several reasons. One it marks the location of one of the of public drop servers. Two and more importantly the GeoCache is fun. Some of the activities we do include tours of the local area and including geocaches. Having a GeoCache at the transhuman house and other important landmarks provide a way to engage the groups on these walking tours of the area and with the idea of the Transhuman House.
Evolution of Personal Technology Collection
The Evolution of Personal Technology Collection is from the EFTF (Extreme Futures and Forecasting Conference) and is focused on how person technology has evolved the past 30 Years. The collection includes phones, wearables, cybernetic implants and much much more…
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Transhuman House Open House
(29 APR 20-17) – A soft launch of the Transhuman House in Provo Utah with guest including local transhumanists and others meet at the home. A discussion was hosted on the purpose and goals of the House, local transhuman activities and more was discussed as well as having Soylent 1.7 and 1.8 available to try. Seems the 1.7 uniformly tastes better according to attendees. While the site is not ready this was really the first local event around the Transhuman House including discussions about H+, MTA, The Foundation, Hall Labs and other groups organizations that the Transhuman House might get involved with.